



        案例:中国某海外工程公司承包了波兰的某大型建筑项目, 承包商与分包商均为中国的建筑商,它们之间签订了该工程的分包合同,该工程在波兰如期开始施工,但该项目仅进行了一年多时间,因各种原因波兰方面就提出解除合同,并索取巨额的赔偿。由于该纠纷涉及到承包商与分包商之间的违约问题,在诉讼中承包商与分包商的一方认为应适用不动产所在地波兰法律,另一方认为由于双方均为中国建筑商,理应适用中国法律,这就产生了涉外建筑工程分包合同的多国法律冲突与适用问题。 

  Case: A construction engineering company of China (the “Contractor”), has contracted a large-scale construction project in Poland and subcontracted the project to a Subcontractor, which is also a Chinese builder, by entering into a subcontract thereof. Construction of the project commenced as scheduled and proceeded for only over one year before the Poland party proposed termination of the subcontract for various reasons and claimed for a large sum of compensation. The claim involves a dispute over breach of contract between the Contractor and the Subcontractor. In the litigation process, one party thereto claimed that the laws of Poland shall govern by reason that the real estate of the project is located in Poland; while the other party thereto claimed that the laws of China shall govern by reason that both parties to the subcontract are Chinese builders. This gives rise to a matter on conflict of laws of various countries and the governing laws in respect of a subcontract of foreign construction engineering project. 
  Legal Entities of Subcontract of Foreign Construction Engineering Project 
  In the practice of contract for international engineering projects, general contractors of large-scale projects generally assign certain part(s) of the projects (or make assignment of the total project quantity by certain proportion) to subcontractors with corresponding qualifications. In case of breach of contract by the subcontractors due to failure of proper performance of corresponding subcontracts or in case of any extra losses sustained by the general contractors for reasons attributed to the subcontracts, legal relations among the project owners, general contractors and subcontractors come into existence.   
  FIDIC是国际咨询工程师联合会的简称,其制定的许多规范性文件广泛应用于国际工程承包项目。《FIDIC土木工程施工合同》的合同条件中规定分包可以由业主和承包商在签订合同时指定好,或由工程师指令承包商雇用分包商承担部分工作。对于指定分包商(Nominated Subcontractor),FIDIC合同条件规定若产生若承包商反对雇用指定分包商,而业主却坚持使用分包商的情况下,承包商对于分包商出现的问题不需要向业主承担责任。但这与我国关于业主、总承包商与分包商的规定是相冲突的,我国《建设工程施工合同(示范文本)》38.3条有对分包的原则性规定:“工程分包不能解除承包人任何责任与义务。承包人应在分包场地派驻相应管理人员,保证本合同的履行。分包单位的任何违约行为或疏忽导致工程损害或给发包人造成其他损失,承包人承担连带责任。”由此可以看出,我国相关规定要求承包商对因分包商造成的损失也应承担相应连带责任。这样一来,我国涉外建设工程承包合同的法律关系更加复杂化,一个国际建设工程承包关系会涉及多个承包商与分包商,它们往往位于不同的国家,在适用法律问题上就会牵涉到管辖权的冲突。
  The acronym “FIDIC” stands for the International Federation of Consulting Engineers. Many of its regulatory documents apply extensively to international engineering contract projects. Under FIDIC Conditions of Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction, the owner and the contractor under a contract for works of civil engineering construction may stipulate matters on subcontract upon entering into the contract, or the contractor may, under the engineer’s instructions, employ a subcontractor to undertake part of the contract project. As to the nominated subcontractor, under FIDIC Conditions of Contract, if the contractor refused to employ a nominated subcontractor and the owner insisted on employing a subcontractor, the contractor shall not be held liable to the owner for any matter caused by the subcontractor. Such provisions are in conflict with provisions of China on the relations among the owners, general contractors and subcontractors. According to provisions of subcontracting principle under Article 38.3 of the Sample of PRC's Construction Engineering Contract, “project subcontracting shall not release a contractor from any liability or obligation under a construction engineering contract; the contractor shall dispatch relevant management personnel to station on the site of subcontracting to ensure performance of the contract; the contractor shall be jointly and severally liable for any damages to the project or other losses to the contract-offering party caused by any breach or negligence of subcontractors”, the contractor shall be jointly and severally liable for losses caused by the subcontractor. Such conflict of laws makes legal relations under foreign construction engineering contracts more complicated. An international construction engineering contract may involve many contractors and subcontractors from different countries, giving rise to conflict of governing laws.  
  II. 我国涉外建设工程分包合同关系的法律适用 
  Laws Governing Relations under a Foreign Construction Engineering Contract in China  
  With respect of settlement of dispute between a contract-offering party and the contractor, Article 37.1 of the Sample of PRC's Construction Engineering Contract stipulates as follows: any dispute arising from performance of the contract by either the contract-offering party or the contractor may be settled through amicable consultation or through mediation presided by relevant competent authorities. In case of either parties’ unwillingness to or failure to reach a settlement through amicable consultation or mediation, both parties may select one of the following dispute settlement methods pursuant to special provisions: one method is to submit an arbitration agreement concluded by and between both parties to an arbitration commission as agreed for arbitration; the other method is to initiate litigation proceedings with a people’s court of competent jurisdiction. It can be seen that arbitration and litigation are two optional methods available for settlement of disputes over construction engineering contracts in China. 
  Due to the fact that the owner, contractor(s) and subcontractor(s) under a foreign construction engineering project may come from different countries, the fairly commonly seen problem in practice is, in case of any dispute arising from the project, by the laws of which country shall the dispute be governed. Prevailing laws of China contain no expressive provisions on foreign construction engineering contracts or jurisdictions on cases of disputes over subcontract. In China, disputes on governing laws are mainly settled pursuant to relevant provisions of the Civil Procedure Law of PRC and the Law of the Application of Law for Foreign-related Civil Relations. In the FIDIC conditions of contract, the FIDIC forms are not restricted, nor intended, for use under a particular governing law. Specific domestic and foreign legal provisions on such disputes are as follows: 
  As provided for in Article 23 of the Civil Procedure Law of PRC, “A lawsuit brought on a contract dispute shall be under the jurisdiction of the people's court of the place where the defendant has his domicile or where the contract is performed”. 
  As provided for in Article 34 of the Civil Procedure Law of PRC, “A party to the contract or other property dispute may choose by written agreement to be under the jurisdiction of the people’s court in the location of the defendant’s domicile, where the contract is performed or signed, in the location of the plaintiff’s domicile, in the location of the subject matter or in other locations which have actual connections with the dispute, provided that the provisions on hierarchical jurisdiction and exclusive jurisdiction are not violated”. 
  Under Article 33 of the Civil Procedure Law of PRC, exclusive jurisdiction in relation to real estate is provided for as follows: a lawsuit brought on a dispute over real estate shall be under the jurisdiction of the people's court of the place where the estate is located. 
  4、《民事诉讼法》第266条规定,属于我国人民法院专属管辖的涉外民事案件有:1.在我国履行的中外合资经营企业合同纠纷; 2.在我国履行的中外合作经营企业合同纠纷; 3.在我国履行的中外合作勘探开发自然资源合同纠纷。
  As provided for in Article 266 of the Civil Procedure Law of PRC, Actions brought on disputes arising from the performance of (a) contracts for Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures, or (b) contracts for Chinese-foreign contractual joint ventures, or (c) contracts for Chinese-foreign cooperative exploration and development of the natural resources in the People's Republic of China shall fall under the jurisdiction of the people's courts of the People's Republic of China. 
  As provided for in Article 41 of the Law of the Application of Law for Foreign-related Civil Relations, “parties to a contract may choose the laws governing the contract; if they fail to do so, laws of the domicile of one party whose obligation performance demonstrates characteristics of the contract to the highest extent or other laws in closest relationship to the contract shall govern”. 
  As provided for in Article 36 of the Law of the Application of Law for Foreign-related Civil Relations, “real property rights shall be governed by laws of the place where the real property is located”.
  Under Switzerland's Federal Code on Private International Law, “contracts in relation to real properties or use thereof shall be governed by laws of the place where the corresponding real properties are located or other laws as chosen by parties to the contracts”. 
  As provided for in Article 24 of Hungary Private International Law, “the governing laws of a contract may be chosen by both parties thereto upon or after conclusion of the contract; if both parties fail to do so, the governing laws shall be determined in accordance with provisions of Article 25 to 29 of this Chapter which are applicable to some special types of contracts”.  
  As stipulated in Section 186 of the Restatement (Second) of Conflict of Laws, “Issues in contract are determined by the law chosen by the parties in accordance with the rule of Section 187 and otherwise by the law selected in accordance with the rule of Section 188”. 
  (1) 第187条规定:“1.如果特定问题是当事人通过其合同对该问题的明示规定可以解决的,则依当事人选择用以支配其合同权利义务的州的法律……”
  Under Section 187 thereof, “(1) the law of the state chosen by the parties to govern their contractual rights and duties will be applied if the particular issue is one which the parties could have resolved by an explicit provision in their agreement directed to that issue”. 
  (2) 第188条规定:“当事人未作有效选择时的准据法:
  Under Section 188 thereof, “Law governing in absence of effective choice by the parties:  
  a) 当事人与合同的某个问题有关的权利义务,依在该问题上,按照第六条规定的原则,适用与该交易及当事人有重要联系的那个州的本地法。
  The rights and duties of the parties with respect to an issue in contract are determined by the local law of the state which, with respect to that issue, has the most significant relationship to the transaction and the parties under the principles stated in the Section 6.
  b) 当事人未对法律做有效选择时(见第187条),适用第六条的原则以确定准据法时应考虑的联系包括:
  In the absence of an effective choice of law by the parties (see s 187), the contacts to be taken into account in applying the principles of s 6 to determine the law applicable to an issue include:
  (i) 合同缔结地/the place of contracting;
  (ii) 合同谈判地/the place of negotiation of the contract;
  (iii) 合同履行地/the place of performance,;
  (iv) 合同标的物所在地the location of the subject matter of the contract, 以及/and
  (v) 当事人的住所、居所、国籍、公司成立地以及营业地/the domicile, residence, nationality, place of incorporation and place of business of the parties。
  These contacts are to be evaluated according to their relative importance with respect to the particular issue. 
  As could be seen from the above provisions, although litigation proceedings with respect to disputes over real property rights under foreign construction engineering contracts shall be governed by the laws of the place where the real property is located, more and more legal provisions no longer persistently adopt absolute exclusive jurisdiction; application of laws governing real property contracts, excluding disputes over real property rights, is increasingly inclined to respect the principle of “party autonomy” under which parties to a contract may choose the governing laws or, in the absence of choice of governing laws, the laws of the place in closest connection to the contract shall govern. Any dispute over real property rights under a foreign construction project between a Chinese builder and a foreign owner shall be governed exclusively by laws of the place where the real property is located; however, disputes between Chinese subcontractors and Chinese contractors, most of which are contractual disputes, shall be governed by the laws chosen by both contractual parties or, in the absence of choice of governing laws, by the laws of the place in closest connection to the contract. For instance, in the case of a dispute between a Chinese contractor and a subcontractor with respect of a construction project located within the territory of Poland undertaken by a Poland party and a Chinese Party, the laws of China shall be the governing laws pursuant to the foregoing analysis.   
  Suggestions on Application of Laws Governing Subcontracts for Foreign Construction Engineering Projects 
  According to the author, the globally prevailing views on application of laws governing foreign construction engineering subcontract shall be adopted, under which the principle of party autonomy shall predominate over the principle of application of laws of the place in closest connection to the subcontract. Allowing contractual parties to choose governing laws is another basic reflection of the principle of freedom of contract. Although the Law of the Application of Law for Foreign-related Civil Relations and its prevailing judicial interpretations contain no specific provisions on application of laws governing contracts and subcontracts of construction projects, the principle of application of laws chosen by contractual parties through agreement is demonstrated in provisions of Article 101 of Model Law of Private International Law of the People's Republic of China, which was promulgated prior to the Law of the Application of Law for Foreign-related Civil Relations, as follows: in the absence of choice of governing laws by contractual parties, the laws of the place in closest connection to the contract shall be applicable. In general circumstances, the laws of the place in closest connection to the following contracts shall be determined as follows: (13) contracts for construction engineering projects shall be governed by the laws of the place where the corresponding projects are located. Such legal provisions acknowledge the dominant position of contractual parties’ choice of laws governing contracts and subcontracts for foreign construction engineering projects. 
  If parties to a contract fail to choose any governing law, the laws of the place in closest connection to the contract shall be applicable. In determination of the governing laws, factors in closest connection to the contract itself shall be taken into account. These factors generally include the place of contracting, the place of performance of the contract, the place of incorporation, principal place of business, domicile or residence of each contractual party, place of promulgation of arbitration regulations and rules chosen by contractual parties on jurisdiction of courts, as well as the place where properties are located etc. The place in closest connection to any contract or subcontract for a foreign construction engineering project may be deemed according to actual circumstances to be the place of the project or the principal place of business of contractual parties etc. If either or both the contractor or/and the subcontractor under a subcontract for a foreign construction project is/are Chinese builder(s), the place in closest connection to the subcontract may be the principal place of business of the Chinese builder(s); that is, the laws of China may be the governing laws. 
  What is noteworthy is that an arbitration agreement concluded by contractual parties may exclude from the exclusive jurisdiction of courts for litigation. As stipulated in Article 305 of Opinions of the Supreme People's Court on Some Issues Concerning the Application of the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, “according to provisions of Articles 34 and 246 of the Civil Procedure Law, the parties concerned shall not select a foreign court for jurisdiction by a written agreement; unless they stipulate to settle the dispute through arbitration”, for parties to a contract of foreign construction engineering project who intend to have their legal rights and interests protected by laws of any country other than the country where the project is located, the current feasible way is to specify an arbitration tribunal in the contract. 
  IV. FIDIC 合同下仲裁条款的适用问题
  《菲迪克(FIDIC)建设工程施工合同(示范文本)》第26.6条规定,“经DAB对之做出的决定(如果有)未能成为最终的和有约束力的任何争端,除非已获得友好解决,应通过国际仲裁对其作出最终解决,除非双方另有协议:(a)争端应根据国际商会仲裁规则最终解决;(b)争端应由按上述规则任命的3位仲裁人员负责解决;以及(c)仲裁应以第1.4款规定的交流语言进行”。换句话说,这个条款规定,除非当事人有特别协议,那所有因该合同引起的争议应当适用ICC Rules。条文虽然明确规定了仲裁适用条款,但在我国这种仲裁条款是否有效力呢?前述笔者提到,在中国,除了仲裁机构自己,法院也能对仲裁协议是否生效进行裁定或判决,而且当两结果相冲突时,往往以法院判决结果为主。因此笔者将谈论该条仲裁协议在中国法院面前的效力。笔者认为该条文存在两点不足之处会导致该条款在中国的效力有模棱两可的结果。 
  Under Clause 26.6 of FIDIC Construction Project Contract Template, “Unless settled amicably, any dispute in respect of which the DAB’s decision (if any) has not become final and binding shall be finally settled by international arbitration. Unless otherwise agreed by both parties: (a) the dispute shall be finally settled under the Rules of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce; (b) the dispute shall be settled by three arbitrators appointed in accordance with these Rules; and (c) the arbitration shall be conducted in the language for communications defined in Sub-Clause [law and language]. In other words, this Clause stipulates that, unless otherwise specifically agreed by both parties, all disputes arising from this Contract shall be governed by ICC Rules. Although governing arbitration rules are expressly specified thereunder, it leaves still open the question whether arbitration clause thereunder is valid in China. As previously mentioned by the author, besides arbitration institutions, courts of competent jurisdiction are also competent to rule or judge whether an arbitration agreement is valid; furthermore, in case of inconsistency of rulings between an arbitration institution and a court, the court’s ruling prevails in most cases. The author is of the view that two deficiency of this Clause may lead to an ambiguous answer to the question on validity of the arbitration clause in China. 
  首先,条文虽然规定了合同适用ICC rules,但是,其却没有规定仲裁协议效力的准据法。关于认定仲裁协议效力的准据法,在以往的司法实践中,中国法院一般是根据国际私法的一般原理予以确定。在中国法院的司法实践中,主要采取以下方法来确定认定仲裁协议的准据法:(1)当事人对仲裁协议效力的准据法有明确约定。这种情况下中国法院即适用当事人选择的准据法认定所涉及的仲裁条款是否有效力。(2)在没有约定认定仲裁协议效力的准据法的情况下,如果约定了仲裁地点,法院即适用当事人约定的仲裁地的法律认定所涉仲裁协议效力。(3)仲裁条款既没有约定认定仲裁协议效力的准据法,有没有约定仲裁地点的情况下,法院会适用法院地法——中国法来认定协议效力。这种在实践中被总结出来的方法被最高人民法院于2006年8月23日公布的法释[2006]7号《关于适用<中华人民共和国仲裁法>若干问题的解释》第16条给予确定,从此上述司法实践被赋予了法律约束力。
  Firstly, although ICC rules are stipulated as the applicable arbitration rules thereunder, no law governing the validity of arbitration agreement is specified. With respect to ascertainment of the law governing validity of arbitration agreement, China’s courts, according to their judicial precedents, tend to make ascertainment in line with general principles of the private international law, mainly in the following methods: (1) where a law governing validity of arbitration agreement is expressly stipulated by contractual parties, China’s courts would ascertain validity of the arbitration clause concerned pursuant to such stipulated governing law. (2) If the place of arbitration is stipulated under a contract without any stipulation on the law governing validity of arbitration agreement, the courts would apply the law of the place of arbitration in ascertaining validity of the arbitration agreement concerned. (3) Where neither any law governing validity of arbitration agreement nor any place of arbitration is stipulated under the arbitration clause of a contract, the court would apply laws of the location of the court (i.e. laws of China) in ascertaining validity of the contract. Such methods summed up from practice were affirmed by the Supreme People’s Court through Article 16 of Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court on Issues concerning Application of the Law of Arbitration of People’s Republic of China [2006] No.7 announced on 23 August, 2006, giving legal binding force to the aforesaid judicial practices. 
  However, as could be seen fro

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